Archive for the ‘Tutorials’ Category


There’s a t-shirt hanging in my closet from 6th grade…you don’t need to do the math, but 6th grade was a long time ago (at least in t-shirt years).  I can’t seem to let this shirt go—I want to do something with it, but I’ve never found the right thing to do. I think I’ve found my answer in today’s post: today we’ve got a guest post from Denise over at DIY Crush. I’m so excited to have her on the blog today with her t-shirt recycling project! Make sure that you hop on over to her site, DIY Crush for more great patterns and tutorials. The stage is yours, Denise! (Continue reading…)

The best way to store fabric! Use cardboard bolts to store your fabric stash!

Well, as you know, my basement remodel is in full force…my office has flooring and due to some *ahem* unexpected budget busters, we’ll be saving up (again) for the ceiling and baseboards. BUT that does not mean that I can’t start moving into my new studio! I’ve chosen to layout my office so that my sewing machine and serger live quietly in the closet, which means that my fabric stash has to find a new home, no more hiding in the closet! (Continue reading…)

Birdcage Centerpiece

“I need this.”
“What are you going to do with it?”
“I’m not sure yet, but I need it!”
This is usually how my finest creations begin. This is also why my garage is full of everything you could ever want to find, just waiting for a job to do or the perfect spot in my home! But this time, I came up with the most gorgeous dining table centerpiece, and here’s how you can make your very own birdcage centerpiece for your home:

(Continue reading…)

How to Bind a Quilt

After talking to some new quilter friends of mine, I’ve quickly realized that there are so many different ways to do the same thing in quilting and sewing! A lot of people have questions about how to quilt their tops and how to do binding. Last week I went over how to quilt your project (see that post here!), and after quilting comes binding! My favorite way to do this involves a sewing machine and some hand sewing, let me show you how. (Continue reading…)

Holiday Tree Napkin

This quick and adorable tutorial is perfect for hostess gifts, grandparents, or for your own table! These half circle Christmas tree napkins are more interesting than a square napkin and sew up in a jiffy! There’s a ton of different ways to fold them too! I’ll show you how great they are and then give you the complete tutorial!  (Continue reading…)

Christmas Placemat DIY

After a week of fabulous giveaways and turkey-eating, I thought it would be fun to kick back with a little tutorial! You can whip up this placemat in a jiffy for under $20! It’s sure to make your plates look fabulous without dishing out cash on an expensive charger set! The best part is that you can customize it to match your colors! Let’s get started, shall we? (Continue reading…)