Archive for July, 2018


Photo Credit: Craftsy

Today we are meeting a talented creative that I have been Insta-stalking for a long time! I was pretty tickled that she offered to be a part of my Summer or Inspiration Series this year and I’m honored to have gotten to ask her all the questions I had. I’ve got a lot of respect for the modern designs and amazing inspirations that flow from the Whole Circle Studio, and if you haven’t seen her work until today, you will too! You’ll love the tips that Sheri shared with me about entering quits into shows and the story of Whole Circle Studio.  (Continue reading…)

Today I’d like to introduce you to Robin and her design company, Nestlings by Robin. She has a great story on how her business got started. She’s full of passion and creativity and will truly give you inspiration for the end of the summer! Her traditional style mixes beautifully with whimsical touches for a look that is all her own. That’s enough from me, let’s hear it from her. (Continue reading…)

I know you’ve all been enjoying my Summer of Inspiration Blog series, but I thought this might be a good time to update you on what I’ve been up to! As you probably already heard, I’ve just added three pretty giant shows to my fall schedule. I’m also working on two brand new designs (one is in testing and one is still in the writing phase) that I really think you’re going to love. Somewhere in this mix I also found myself making a new friend with Jacqui, the incredible owner of Sew Jersey. (Continue reading…)

Today you’re sure to be inspired by our guest, Sue O’Very! This lady has more irons in the fire than I can count! Sue is a Bernina Ambassador, Aurifil thread designer, Craftsy instructor, YouTube teacher, DIME Columnist, Blogger, published author, sewing & In the Hoop pattern designer/artist, and self proclaimed Notion junkie! (Whew! Let me catch my breath quick…that was a long list!) It was so fun to pick her brain and learn a little bit more about her and her passion for creative business. I know you’re going to enjoy my chat with Sue and leave wildly inspired—I sure did! (Continue reading…)

Today I’d love to introduce the queen of scraps, the connoisseur of remnants, the savant of snippets…I give to you Deanne Eisenman of Snuggles Quilts! Deanne has been a creative professional for nearly 14 years. She writes patterns and teaches classes on “scrapping” and wool applique. I’ve definitely gotten some great insight into her business and some great tips from her many years of experience, let’s get started! (Continue reading…)