2018 is the year of cleaning up and getting things done! All those UFOs (unfinished objects) and WIPs (Work in Progress) better watch out…because here I come. Why don’t you join me in this fun UFO challenge? It’ll be lots of fun, and you’ll have lots of initiative to get those projects off of your sewing table! Come for the fun and fabulous grand prize at the end of the year.

The Details
You can join in on the fun by RSVPing to my Facebook Event: 2018 UFO Challenge.
Once you RSVP, make sure that you introduce yourself and tell us what projects you’re hoping to finish for the challenge, that way we can keep track of your progress!
The Rules
Write a post and list up to 4 UFO projects (and an extra bonus project). Every three months, I’ll name a number between 1-4 and you’ll have three months to finish that project! When you post your picture of the finished project on Facebook, you’ll get an extra entry towards the grand prize at the end of the year! You can finish your bonus project throughout the year for an extra entry.

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