Big Stitch Binding is my new favorite thing! The best part is that there are only a few supplies needed to get started! From there, use your favorite embroidery stitches or a simple running stitch to add this loving detail to your quilt bindings.
Big Stitch Binding is my new favorite thing! The best part is that there are only a few supplies needed to get started! From there, use your favorite embroidery stitches or a simple running stitch to add this loving detail to your quilt bindings.
We are so close, I can almost taste the sugar cookies!
This week we will be adding our borders, after that we’ll start the long process of quilting and binding these beauties.
This week we’ll go over how to best create the star of this quilt show!!
…no really, it’s time to work on our star block! This part isn’t all that difficult, but you want to make sure to pay careful attention to it as you work because it’s where we trick the eye into thinking our brick-style-layout continues behind the piecing.
(Continue reading…)Ready to stitch and trim? I sure hope so!
If this is your first time sewing with Shorthand Templates, I suggest practicing a few from start to finish before batch-making them as I show in my videos below (if you haven’t cut yours out yet, see the post from last week here). The key to creating these blocks isn’t necessarily doing them exactly how I’m doing them, but being consistent with how you choose to create them!
(Continue reading…)Today I have a quick and easy tutorial that you can apply to almost any quilt! I want to talk about how to piece your borders on an angle. While this might be old news to some of you, others may be asking
how to piece those borders without drawing attention to the join. Lucky for those others, I have your answers and it takes only a second longer than piecing it straight.
(Continue reading…)