
I know you aren’t supposed to have favorites, but I might need to make an exception for this fantabulous quilt…Hover is just a whole other level – I’m not sure I or my followers have ever been quite this excited for a quilt release before!

This pattern includes a wild number of sizes…I just couldn’t stop: Pillow, baby, throw, lap, twin, queen, and king (pardon me while I catch my breath!)…and today I want to show you just one more size that I couldn’t resist: the wall hanging.

Now I can’t take full credit on this, one of my incredible pattern testers and friends came up with this layout and size and even wrote out how she did it. So, a big round of applause for my pal, Jeanne.

Here is her gorgeous wall hanging:

Quilted wall hanging by Jeanne Phillips
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Today I have a REALLY fun tutorial for you on how to make a pocket pillow cover in any size. It’s chock full of video, printables, exciting new patterns, and more!

In this tutorial you’ll see my up and coming pattern, Hover. I am SO thrilled to be releasing this pattern alongside of Sue Penn’s newest collection, Butterfly Fields (used in the video tutorial) in October 2023. If you’ve just got to have this pattern, or the kit, make sure to pre-order today – I don’t think they’ll last long!

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How and What is Bias Tape…and How Do I Cut it?

Bias is sometimes a scary word to quilters, but it doesn’t have to be! In this post I want to give you some good resources on cutting bias tape and using a bias tape maker. I hope to be adding videos as I create them, so if you have a new bias question, be sure to check back soon!

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