Archive for the ‘Design’ Category

Tidbits are probably my favorite posts—who doesn’t want a bite-sized blog post with some seriously helpful content!?

Today I want to show you something that I picked up at a guild sewing day a few years back…it’s a good one!

You know how you have to leave openings in your stitching to flip pieces right side out? Ever have troubles getting that opening to disappear once the project is right side out? Prepare for your “I wish I had thought of that” moment:

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Looking for someone to help you figure out this whole Foundation Paper Piecing thing!? Look no further, I’m your girl! Here is my one-stop-shop to get you learning and on your way to creating some incredible FPP masterpieces (yes, FPP is the abbreviation for Foundation Paper Piecing—see!? I told you you’d learn something new!)

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Today I want to share a free quilt tutorial with you created with Timeless Treasure’s Pumpkin Spice collection…can it get any better?! This little cutie is called Single Serve as a call back to it’s pumpkiny-coffee inspiration.

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Ever wonder how to get a perfectly matching seam?! Today I’m going to show you with a quick and simple trick. This is a great tip for matching seams in blocks or even matching repeats on quilt backs and panels! No more waiting around for those serendipitous seams that we see all over Instagram!

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Welcome Ancient Words and Shorthand to my collection!

Today is a HUGE day for me and my growing family of patterns. This day has been three years in the making and I am so so SO excited that it’s finally here.

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Over the past few years I’ve had the privilege to create a block for the Row by Row Experience. Local shops ask me to come up with something fitting their theme and it’s such a fun challenge!

This year, my friends over at Danner’s BERNINA Shoppe asked if I could create something special for their shop.

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A DIY Pennant Flag for the Typecast Blog Tour!

I’ve been thinking about trying my hand at English Paper Piecing for quite some time now, but when Sheri of Whole Circle Studio first let me know about her new Typecast EPP pattern, I knew that my time had come. Far from the norm with these curved and gorgeous letters, I was sure that the letter T would not only be a great start for me.

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I’ve been dreaming about QuiltCon for a while now, and I’m pleased to say that I finally got to go and it did NOT disappoint! Each year, thousands of attendees come to this massive Modern Quilt Show. Some are anxious to see over 550 modern quilts on display, others can’t wait to learn from top instructors, and some of us are just in it for the vendors!

My wonderful guild members and I cramming into my booth…looking “natural”
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Winter themed placemat

Isn’t it just the best when there’s a pattern that you can use in more than one way!?

I discovered the beauty of this with my Squared Fashion Wrap, originally created for the chilly winter months. I then realized with a different fabric, it’s perfect for a beach cover up!

…but enough about that, it’s chilly for now, so let’s focus on the bitter cold blast that’s coming our way. (Continue reading…)