Self-watering might sound a little bit robotic, so maybe I should title this post DIY Sub-irrigation Pots and Planters, but that doesn’t sound nearly as fun! But, let’s be clear, this home made system can be really really helpful when it comes to watering, but you’ll still need to water your plants once in a while.
So, what began this experiment? Let me explain: as part of our front yard un-landscaping project I’ve done my research on how to keep my window boxes lovely and lush all summer long. Even though I adore this simple front yard decor, I forget to water, which makes them not-so-lovely. The answer to my watering problems: sub-irrigation.
I know I promised this post a while back, but I wanted to make sure that these self-watering systems really held up to the hype. In my summer of experience, I can say that these help, but you’ll still need to water your plants at least once a week. Possibly every other or every few days, depending on your climate. (Continue reading…)