Archive for the ‘Design’ Category

Why homemaking matters

Homemakers are amazing. Stay at home-makers are world-changers. Though we don’t feel like that’s true even on good days, it is true, and I’m reminding you today. I often go through “everything is meaningless” phases and forget the truth that in reality, everything matters.

Our culture is so caught up in what we can achieve through a career, something tangible, something concrete and measurable. But so many times in life, we forget that the things that matter most are the things that we can’t see, can’t measure, and the things that often times go unnoticed. (Continue reading…)

All of the latests trends for baby nursery in 2016!

It’s everybody’s favorite; whether you are, want to be someday, or were once pregnant, everyone wants to see what the top baby nursery trends are for 2016! Trends always seem to blend into each other, but the difference from, say, 2014 nursery trends to 2016 nursery trends is a pretty stark contrast. Let me tell you, there are some lovely ideas, and inspirations coming your way! (Continue reading…)

These are such good ideas for getting a dining room that looks like the Dining Room in the HGTV Dream Home 2016

I’m drooling…absolutely drooling over this dining room (which seems appropriate, it is a place for delicious food after all)! HGTV does a fantastic job every year, but this is a masterpiece! Today, I’m going to show you how to get the same look as the HGTV Dream Home Dining Room for 2016. Though I will be trying my luck by entering, my odds probably aren’t terrific. Just in case you don’t win either, I’m going to show you how they got the look and how you can get the same look in your very own home! (Continue reading…)

Modern Side Table

Day in and out I’ve been dreaming about a finished basement, my shiny new studio, and the guest room. It literally keeps me awake at night—it’s pathetic. I found the perfect inspiration for my guest room on HGTV’s Welcoming Retreat for Winter Guests. This space was designed by Flynnside Out, and it’s just gorgeous! I’m hoping to mirror this look in my future guest room & thought I’d share my finds with you!  (Continue reading…)

These are some great ideas and tricks for making basement floorplans. Definitely useful for my basement remodeling project!

I struggled for weeks and weeks and weeks with the floorplan for my basement—this is why people hire interior designers. It is nearly impossible to plan your own space. After having it all figured out, it just didn’t feel right, then another huge roadblock in this basement renovation came up: after much debate, we decided to replace our entire heat system and add air conditioning. This tripled our budget and pushed our timeline way out. This project became a much bigger deal than we anticipated and once again, the floorplan changed! Although it was annoying to have so many drafts of our floorplan, it really stretched me & forced me to make the most of every inch! Here are some tips for laying out your own basement floorplans. (Continue reading…)

Fall Mums

Happy fall everyone!

Fall is a time for bright blue skies, the crunch of leaves underfoot, snuggly warm sweaters, and change. And boy, are we changing here! I can’t wait to share with you what we are planning for the next few months and see what God has in store for the Rossis!
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DIY Foyer Wall Organizer

We all have that one weird thing in our home: a doorbell speaker that belongs in Victorian England, built ins, intercom systems…old houses have weird stuff character! My nightmare: the telephone box. Today, we are going to take the stance of, “if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em.” I have found that by working with your home’s character, you preserve what makes it so special and create something one of a kind!

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Marble Coffee Mug Set

I’m excited to introduce to you my newest blog series: the Monthly Mirror! This is a monthly post series that will help you get the look that you are seeing in magazines, on TV, or wherever else you might see some gorgeous interiors! I’m itching to get your suggestions on what spaces you want to replicate, but first, let’s give some stuff away! See the entry details below and good luck!

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HGTV Dream Home Living Room

It’s time for a new piece that I’m calling The Monthly Mirror! Each month, we are going to go through a very beautiful, very expensive space and help you get the look without breaking the bank. This could include product links, DIY ideas or even tutorials! I hope you enjoy this as much as I do. If you have a space that you’d love to replicate, send me a message or leave a comment on my Facebook page—maybe it will be the subject of next month’s Monthly Mirror!

Our first space is the infamous HGTV Dream Home for 2015. I hope, as I’m sure you all do, that I will win this year, but just in case I don’t, we’re going to try to achieve the look of the Dream Home’s Great Room in our humble living rooms…let’s get started!

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Industrial Interior

It’s time for a new addition to the Style Series…I’m very excited to introduce you to industrial design! Industrial interior design is a fabulous style that is here to stay! It can be polished and expensive, it can be rough and cost-effective, masculine, feminine…you name it, industrial style can handle it! A close relative of minimalist design, industrial focuses on the beauty and simplicity of raw building materials. Industrial style embraces the basic structures of an interior and makes beauty out of the things that we typically try to hide.

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Inspiration board

As you probably saw in my February Flash Back, we are (Lord willing) starting basement renovations very soon! It seems like all I’ve been doing is planning and planning, but that is such an important part of the process! There’s a few key pieces in the planning that I’d like to share with you today. Some are more exciting than others, but all are equally important!

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