Archive for the ‘DIY’ Category


It’s the final day of our Christmas sewing adventure! You’ll be hanging up your stocking and showing off your Christmas mantle to all your Instagram friends before you even know it! After seeing things start to come together yesterday, I can’t wait to see the final product today! Let’s get wrapping this project up:

Today, we’ll be following steps 17—22 from your pattern. (Continue reading…)


Yesterday we finished our frilly little cuffs; today is the day when you really start seeing things come together on your Christmas stocking. Just a little more sewing, one more day, and you’ll be hanging these puppies up! I’m pretty excited to get finished, so let’s get sewing, shall we?

Today we’ll be following along with pattern steps 8—16. (Continue reading…)


Here we are, day 3 of the sew-along already! Now that we’ve chosen our fabrics, and gotten everything cut out, it’s time to start sewing! Today we’ll be focusing on creating the cuffs, which really make this little Christmas stocking shine. If you need to get caught up, don’t worry—there’s always room for one more. Hop back to Day 1 (fabric selections) and Day 2 (cutting) and get caught up in just a few minutes. Now, let’s get sewing! (Continue reading…)


It is always a good day for a free pattern release! With my sweet little baby girl almost here and ready to model all of my teeny tiny creations, it’s an even better day for a free baby pattern release. Today, I’d like to present you with my incredibly simple Knotted Baby Gown sewing pattern. The best part: I’ve also got a great little tutorial on making a matching headband—it really doesn’t get much better than this!

(Continue reading…)

paint-vinyl-roller-shadesRolling shades are one of the most cost-effective ways to cover your windows…especially if they came with your house. As we are getting closer to finishing up the nursery, I realized that although I have adorable curtains (check out my curtain tutorial here, if you missed it—they are adorable!), the white vinyl roller shades are not très magnifique. I didn’t want to dump anymore money into this nursery project, so I found a way to update 3 of my window coverings, re-use the shades, and spend about $15! To get the full tutorial on how I updated these tired old shades, read on! (Continue reading…)

a-step-by-step-tutorial-on-how-to-make-a-ruffle-from-a-ribbon-its-easier-than-youd-think-and-you-get-to-sew-all-your-own-custom-ribbon-rufflesTrim is so hard to come by. Unless you’ve got a secret fabric shop that sells amazing trims, the struggle is real! Finding the perfect ruffled trim is sometimes impossible. Your options are often too shiny, too large, too…just not right! Well, fear no more! Today, I’m going to show you how to make your own ruffle with flat ribbon. This technique is used in my newest pattern, the Sashay Christmas Stocking (releasing soon!), so I thought it would be helpful to teach this technique to you with step-by-step images and instructions. (Continue reading…)

a-great-tutorial-on-how-to-make-these-cute-quote-wall-maps-for-wall-art-in-the-bedroom-nursery-or-anywhereNine weeks away from meeting our little one, and things are finally starting to take shape in the nursery! I’ve been paining over how to decorate over our babe’s crib for weeks now & finally got it (halfway) figured out! While I’m still debating what to do with the slender shelf that runs along the wall, I’ve got the perfect solution for what is below that shelf! Today I’m going to show you how I made my own fabulous DIY Map Wall Art & how you can too! (Continue reading…)

trisha-gingerbread-man-modern-christmas-quiltThe holiday season is quickly approaching, and I’m frantically preparing now, which seems a little over-zealous, but when you’re sweet baby girl is due January 3, and your family has a history of early babies…it’s good to be one step ahead! Even though I might not be able to give a quilt this year, like I’d like to, I want to tell you all about why I think quilts make the best gifts for Christmas, birthdays, baby showers, and every other special event along the way: (Continue reading…)

sewing-the-diva-frame-walletI’m deeming today a showoff day! I made this adorable wallet & have yet to have a single cashier or clerk take notice…so I’m taking advantage of the blog so that this sweet wallet gets some recognition! This fabulous pattern was created by Sew Many Creations & I really do love the final product. I get a little excited to whip it out when I’m grocery shopping! Believe me—joy at the grocery store, let alone in the checkout line, is worth every second spent making this wallet! Without further ado, here is the Diva Frame Wallet by Sew Many Creations: (Continue reading…)

a-sewing-tutorial-on-how-to-make-84-inch-full-length-panel-curtains-with-a-rod-pocketThere’s a fun fabric store near me that I love to visit. If you happen upon it on a sunny day, you’ll see a tractor wagon full of fabric bolts–there’s every color and style you could imagine on there! Batiks, Civil War, Novelty, Floral—whatever you’re into. The deal on the wagon? You’ve got to buy the whole bolt & if you do, it’s usually around $2-$3 a yard. Well, on one sunny day, fate intervened, and on the wagon was the perfect fabric for my nursery: Mint and Baby Blue Batik, geometric, airy and whimsical…exactly what I had in mind. After doing the math, I realized that 15 yards of fabric at $2 a yard was a steal, especially because I needed to get 6 full-length (84 inch) curtain panels out of it. When all was said and done, I had just enough fabric left on the end of the bolt to make a matching tissue box cover (get the pattern here for free!). (Continue reading…)

This fall DIY tutorial will show you every step in how to make a fall mum pallet door hanging with your initials on it for under $20!Mmmmm, crisp fall air, sweaters, leaves as they flutter to the cool ground…these are just a few of my favorite things about fall & I can’t believe that it’s (finally) almost here (even if it doesn’t feel like it yet). One of my other favorite parts of fall is picking out the perfect mums and enjoying their colorful, hearty blooms for the season. That’s exactly what inspired my DIY tutorial today—I just couldn’t wait for the right season to get planting mums all over the entryway, so I thought I’d just make my own a little bit ahead of time! Read on to see how you can make your own fall door hanging, instead of the same old wreath! (Continue reading…)