Archive for the ‘Quilting and Sewing’ Category


Photo Credit: Craftsy

Today we are meeting a talented creative that I have been Insta-stalking for a long time! I was pretty tickled that she offered to be a part of my Summer or Inspiration Series this year and I’m honored to have gotten to ask her all the questions I had. I’ve got a lot of respect for the modern designs and amazing inspirations that flow from the Whole Circle Studio, and if you haven’t seen her work until today, you will too! You’ll love the tips that Sheri shared with me about entering quits into shows and the story of Whole Circle Studio.  (Continue reading…)

Today I’d like to introduce you to Robin and her design company, Nestlings by Robin. She has a great story on how her business got started. She’s full of passion and creativity and will truly give you inspiration for the end of the summer! Her traditional style mixes beautifully with whimsical touches for a look that is all her own. That’s enough from me, let’s hear it from her. (Continue reading…)

I know you’ve all been enjoying my Summer of Inspiration Blog series, but I thought this might be a good time to update you on what I’ve been up to! As you probably already heard, I’ve just added three pretty giant shows to my fall schedule. I’m also working on two brand new designs (one is in testing and one is still in the writing phase) that I really think you’re going to love. Somewhere in this mix I also found myself making a new friend with Jacqui, the incredible owner of Sew Jersey. (Continue reading…)

Today you’re sure to be inspired by our guest, Sue O’Very! This lady has more irons in the fire than I can count! Sue is a Bernina Ambassador, Aurifil thread designer, Craftsy instructor, YouTube teacher, DIME Columnist, Blogger, published author, sewing & In the Hoop pattern designer/artist, and self proclaimed Notion junkie! (Whew! Let me catch my breath quick…that was a long list!) It was so fun to pick her brain and learn a little bit more about her and her passion for creative business. I know you’re going to enjoy my chat with Sue and leave wildly inspired—I sure did! (Continue reading…)

Today I’d love to introduce the queen of scraps, the connoisseur of remnants, the savant of snippets…I give to you Deanne Eisenman of Snuggles Quilts! Deanne has been a creative professional for nearly 14 years. She writes patterns and teaches classes on “scrapping” and wool applique. I’ve definitely gotten some great insight into her business and some great tips from her many years of experience, let’s get started! (Continue reading…)

I haven’t gotten to talk about it much on the blog, but I absolutely love basketweaving. It’s something that my mom and aunt got me into and now I just can’t stop! Thank goodness it’s a slightly expensive hobby, or I’d be a very literal basket case. I’ve limited myself to kits (rater than spools of reed) and only making baskets that I’d otherwise need or buy…but I promise every one of those last reed scraps becomes a wonderful original creation.

…anyway, that’s not what we are here to chat about today. TODAY is about weaving with fabric. Yes, the beautiful love child of my two favorite hobbies. (Continue reading…)

Curves, curves, curves.

There’s a list of things that I’ve wanted to learn for a long time, put them off, and when I finally did learn, kicked myself for lacking the confidence to try in the first place! If I’ve learned anything, it’s this: sewing and quilting isn’t hard…it just takes patience and a tiny bit of practice. (Continue reading…)

How to piece you batting for quilts and other sewing projects.

You know those projects that are supposed to go really quickly…and then they don’t? That was me last week!

As usual, I’ve known about a certain special baby that would be born for about 6 months. I’ve had 6 months to plan, shop, sew, and quilt a beautiful baby quilt.

But no. I chose to wait until this week: 1 week before the baby was due.

I found the perfect fabric and since I was short on time, I figured I’d use my Merry Mixer pattern. And that part of the plan went smooth as butter—I had the top knocked out in a short afternoon, and I was pleasantly surprised at how the fabrics ended up flowing together! I even bought double of each fabric to add to my stash for a project of my own! (Continue reading…)

You always know that one of my upcoming patterns has something wild in it…I always come out with these really specific blog posts that seem a bit off the wall. This is one of those posts, BUT learning how to cut large triangles on the bias and keep things straight will be super helpful for you when you get started on my newest pattern because **drumroll please** Breezy will be making her debut NEXT WEEK! [Update: Here’s the pattern release!]

Pinwheel quilt made of pinwheels

I can’t believe how this giant {and gorgeous} barn dwarfs this king-sized quilt!

(Continue reading…)

New Quilters Blog 2018

Well, hello there! I bet you’re looking at the title of this post and wondering why I’m calling myself a new quilt blogger. Well, we’ll get to that story a little later, but first, let me tell you about the awesome blog hop that I’m honored to be a part of, the fabulous prizes you could win, and the amazing quilters you’re going to meet: (Continue reading…)

antique hanky craft

Hallelujah! It’s my first UFO finish for the year! I can’t believe I’m saying this, but these Hanky Pillows have been about 5-6 years in the making…and it’s not because they take a long time!

As many of you might know, I lost my mom last year. After her death, my sister and I inherited a lot of her UFO projects. It was something that I tried to mentally prepare for, but the idea that these meaningful works of art would be left unfinished really bothered me. And after finishing this project, I really do feel that there is something therapeutic about being able to finish this one thing. There’s so much about death that feels like unfinished business, so to finish the one small thing that I can feels pretty good. It’s also a great reminder that my mom’s legacy will live on through us, and we can continue not just to sew, but to show love and compassion for people through our sewing. (Continue reading…)

A qick tutorial on how to trim half square triangles faster

I know I’ve completely lost it—this is the third pinwheel/half square triangle post in the past few months, but I have my reasons:

-You’re going to get an awesome new pattern later this month that includes *some* pinwheels, so you’re welcome in advance!

-I’ve made about 560 Half Square Triangles (140 pinwheels) in the past month, so I probably have lost it a little…

-I’ve got one more post on giant Half Square Triangles coming up, so just settle in. (Continue reading…)