Master Bedroom: Remote Bedroom Oasis

Remote Bedroom

Well, I think it’s just about time for an update! I have a master bedroom project nearing completion, and I’m so excited to share it with you! I actually have a few projects that I’m finishing up, but I’m especially excited about this one.

If you remember, a few months ago, I posted about my Remote Bedroom Oasis…well, I can proudly say that we are all finished and the room is GORGEOUS! I didn’t want to leave when I actually got to see the space! I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed creating it!

Rendering -  Master Bedroom by Rachel Rossi Interior Design -

As you walk in, you are greeted by some interesting accessories—they look like they are straight out of a museum exhibit!

Accessories - Master Bedroom by Rachel Rossi Interior Design

Here’s the desk that they all perch on—it’s my favorite part of the room!

Architectural Desk  - Master Bedroom by Rachel Rossi Interior Design

The lighting in the space is just magnificent…glowing crystals waterfall over the couch and lights made from Capiz shells hang over the bedside tables.

Remote Bedroom - Master Bedroom by Rachel Rossi Interior Design Capiz Shell Light by Rachel Rossi Interior Design

Some details…

Leather Night Stand by Rachel Rossi Interior Design Large Wall Clock - by Rachel Rossi Interior Design

You can never have enough pillows!

Safari Bedroom - by Rachel Rossi Interior Design

And one final look at the master bedroom!

Classical Bedroom - by Rachel Rossi Interior Design

I hope you love this bedroom as much as I do—it was truly a pleasure to work on. If you want to see more of my work, be sure to take a look at my portfolio & stay tuned for more project updates! If you’re interested in a similar design service, visit my Investment page and read about the “DIY Package.”

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