Tabitha’s Threads

Update: Unfortunately, Tabitha’s Threads is no longer a ministry that I run. That said, I’m working towards incorporating some sort of sewing ministry into my company in the future. Feel free to browse this post—it’s still my heart. I’m looking forward to the day when I can update this and direct you to a new sewing outreach!

You’ve heard me mention it before, but you might not be quite sure what it is yet. Today I’m going to talk about my other website, Tabitha’s Threads.

Tabitha’s Threads all began with lunch. I was visiting with a friend of mine after church one Sunday. He happened to run a  girl’s orphanage and halfway home in Chile. He talked about these beautiful girls as if they were his own children! Intrigued, I asked all about how I could come and see them, help them, play…whatever they needed. He went on to tell me all about it and mentioned that there isn’t any heat. My American brain couldn’t fathom how these people live without heat—honestly, I still don’t get it. But that one comment sparked an idea:

What if, rather than spending thousands of dollars to go there, hang out, help one time, and then leave, I provided the people that are already there with things that they need?

I still have a very blurry idea of what I think of short-term missions trips, so I’m not going to go down that road right now. But this idea stuck with me. It seemed like a way that I could continue to help these girls, rather than just showing up and leaving. I proceeded to ask what kinds of things that they need, he came back with a list: hats, gloves, scarves, blankets…hmm, these are all things that I’ve made before, I thought to myself.

And So It Began

The idea became a bit too big for one girl and limited funds, so I created a website (with the help of my talented husband), in hopes that others would join the cause. I’m sick of making projects that just get thrown in the closet or on the already looming pile of quilts. Why not create something that not only helps others but showers them with love, too? I can’t be the only one who feels like this.

Here We Are

I now receive handmade items from all over the United States and ship to missionaries and hospitals all over the world. Baby booties and caps go to Uganda, larger items like sweaters and blankets go to Chile, and once in a while we’ll even get a special project. I hope to continue branching out to other parts of the world as needs are voiced. Just this past week, I got an email from someone in the Philippines who wrote, “ I really can’t believe that people who are so far away from us would help us.” This warmed my heart and reminded me of why I started this website in the first place. There are many ways to show love to people across the world, but there’s something about the time and effort of something handmade that speaks volumes. I know it’s true because of the story that inspired all of this:


Get Ready For The Pitch

So how can I help? I thought you’d never ask! You can visit my website and learn more about each of our partners. I provide free patterns for all of their needs. You are welcome to download, print, or copy these patterns as many times as you need! Once you complete a project, you can send it on over to me and I’ll be sure that it gets to the right people.

I’m so glad to have shared this passion of mine with you today. I hope you’ll join me!


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