Rachel: Are you sure your anniversary isn’t the 25th?
Sara: Yes, I’m sure. It’s always been the 5th.
Rachel: Well, my board says the 25th…sorry!
Yes, I am that Rachel and my sister, Sara, has been married for 5 years. Apparently I’ve gotten their anniversary wrong for the past 5 years! The board I’m talking about was my inspired attempt to remember everyone’s birthdays and anniversaries—clearly it has not worked! My new year’s resolution for 2016 is to actually send my loved ones birthday and anniversary cards on time. I know that doesn’t seem like a huge thing for some people, but I feel so special when my family and friends remember my special day! There’s nothing better than getting your very own birthday card from someone who really remembered. I’d much rather get a single card than 50 Happy Birthday posts on my Facebook wall from people who don’t acknowledge me the rest of the year.
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