Happy Christmas Eve everyone! Christmas Eve has always been my favorite day of the year, even more than Christmas Day. It’s the magical, sweet, candlelit calm before the storm of flying wrapping paper and stockings pregnant with Reese’s and little goodies. There are candlelit hymns sung in my small home-town church, followed by snacks and board games with friends, cousins, aunts & uncles—it’s truly the most magical day of the year for me and I can’t wait to get home tonight!
Rather than me rambling on today, I’d love to hear from my readers! What is your favorite part of Christmas? Maybe it’s a special memory, a tradition, or an unforgettable gift. Tell me all about it in the comments below!
Merry Christmas everyone, I truly hope that it is a treasured time with your family & nothing but a celebration of our Savior’s birth!

One of my favorite memories (around 1944) was the special scent of a new doll baby when you open the box. That pleasant olfactory delight I can still recall most vividly. Also choosing and cutting a tree on our farm…. Trimming the tree with homemade decorations, while a pot of fudge burbeled on the back of the old Woodburning stove in the kitchen…these are all memories that tickle the senses at Christmas time. Attending church, singing carols, and participating in the Christmas pageant were definitely special.. I can vividly remember “sweating bullets” that I would “remember my ‘piece’.”
The part I miss the most are the smiles, the love, the laughter from my dear parents and grandparents. I know I will never hear it again this side of heaven but do look forward to that joy one day when I join them.
That’s beautiful! Thank you for sharing & Merry Christmas!