Growing up in rural Pennsylvania nearly required a childhood filled with farm kittens. It also required fantastic names for these fluff-balls. From the obvious Brownie and Snowball to the more creative Sneakers, Raja, Stephanie and Kephanie—we had them all. To be honest though, my cousins were even better at names, one year they had deemed their runt Sicky…and now every time someone is sick, the name reappears for whoever is camping out on the couch.
Typically, when a sicky emerges in our family, my Mom or I get a little excited (this may or may not be a little bit weird). We love to set up a folding table and stock it with tissues, remotes, hot tea, water, crackers, magazines—whatever we can find. Sometimes we even can find some flowers to put in a vase! We are on our A-game when we can serve! But what happens when your sicky isn’t in your home, or lives a hundred miles away? I have been working on the perfect solution for taking care of your friends & family when they are sick with the flu, a cold, or whatever comes their way! Creating a kit ahead of time will assure that you are an answered prayer when your friend comes down with whatever is going around. Here’s how I made mine: (Continue reading…)