The balmy days of December couldn’t last forever. January is finally here—snow and all (#WinterStormJonas)! It’s time to stock up on plans for the rest of this weekend, since there’s no way that you’re going anywhere! If you’re anything like me, you can’t fathom a day, let alone two, of being locked in the house with nothing to do. Yep, I’m one of those sickos. Exhibit A: writing a blog post on Saturday…not something I usually do. I do want to challenge you (and myself) to plan something fun for your snow day: if kids get to have fun and forget about the stresses of school, so should you! Here are some ideas that I’m looking forward to!
Catching up on My Favorite Show (AKA: Embroidery)
That’s right, some old-fashioned tube-time! Being the busy-body that I am, I can’t just watch TV. Television is a great time to also catch up on my embroidery, binding, or start some kind of new hand sewing.
I tend to give away most of my embroidery pieces, so maybe I’ll just make something for myself to enjoy this time! Make sure to check out my free embroidery downloads or hop on over to Pinterest to get inspired!
Get Inspired!
Speaking of Pinterest, now is a great time to get on Pinterest and plan your next big thing! Whether it’s a quilting project, remodeling dreams, or organizing your home—Pinterest has it all! Figure out what your style is and go for it! I have some fun ideas for every style on my style finder!

Just Do It.
Maybe you’ve already been inspired enough. Those curtains have been sitting, waiting to be hung for months, that box has been begging to be unpacked for weeks, that quilt has sat on the cutting table for too many seasons—you get the idea. A snow day is prime for getting stuff done! You’ll feel like a million bucks once you’ve finished whatever it is and will still have time to spare! If hemming curtains is one of those things, I’ve got a great tutorial for you!

Do Something for Someone Else
Maybe you have a friend who’s going through a rough time, a family member who can’t catch a break, or a neighbor that doesn’t fit in. Think about something that would make you smile if you were in their shoes. Cookies on their doorstep, a book that helped you through a hard time, even a meal can speak volumes to those going through something. I have free downloadable patterns for pillowcases and tissue box covers—both are a great way to let someone know that you’re thinking of them!

Do you know someone who is sick that might be staying at the hospital for a while? Try your hand at making them a hospital gown. It’s amazing how something so simple can change their entire outlook. Or maybe everyone you know is doing just fine. Start sewing for a charity! I run a website called Tabitha’s Threads that offers free patterns for download. Once you finish a project, you send it in and it goes straight to those in need. There are a ton of different projects for you to sew, knit, crochet, even some no-sew projects! Definitely check out Tabitha’s Threads and get involved!
That Thing That’s Been Bugging You
The kitchen cabinets. If I can’t get my paws on them soon, I’m going to lose it! The mugs are mixed in with the glasses and the dishes, I have 5 bags of flour somewhere in there—my kitchen is the thing that has been bugging me. I can’t wait for a single, solitary, nothing-better-to-do-day to attack it head on and organize that sucker! What’s your thing that’s been bugging you? Today is your day! Get to it! For help getting started on a kitchen organization project, make sure to check out my blog post: 5 Tips for Organizing Your Kitchen

What are you doing on this snowy winter day? Clearly I’m not practicing what I preach and am here blogging…so I’d better get going! I’d love to get more ideas from you for our next snow day, make sure to leave a comment below!