Happy Thanksgiving! Now lets get to Christmas! I get so excited to decorate for Christmas every year—it’s a great refresh for the whole house and allows you to have more fun with decorations than ever before! And honestly, I can’t wait to get home from Thanksgiving dinner and get started—and I know you’re sitting there nodding your head, getting ready to go and decorate yourself, but first let’s go over some rules to make decorating for Christmas a joy!
5 Rules for Christmas Decorations
1. Don’t Clean…Yet
My first rule of decorating is this: don’t clean (dust, vacuum, etc.) until after everything is in place. The amount of dust and dirt you’re going to create hauling boxes from the (dusty) attic or (dirty) basement is going to undo all that valuable cleaning you just did! Don’t even get me started on the mess that the snow-covered greens are going to make. I know it’s hard, but hold off on the cleaning if you can!

2. Mix It Up
Just because you put the candles in that exact spot last year doesn’t mean that they have to go in that exact spot this year. Play around with different arrangements and ideas! Christmas allows for a bit more fun than usual in your decorations. Go with it and push yourself to come up with something new!

3. Pack It In
Go ahead, put your whole collection of teapots out—it’s fine, really! As one who is quickly being converted to minimalism (OK, maybe not minimalism, but less-clutter-ism), I’m finding it hard to allow my house to have a lot of stuff everywhere. Christmas is the exception; go crazy! It’s only for a few weeks, and it feels good to get it out of your system. I give into this in the pillow department. Christmas embroidery is so adorable & I just let myself go crazy with it during Christmas!

4. Use Them All Winter!
Maybe your Christmas decorations are a little overkill for the rest of the winter, but you can use the basics for decorating throughout the rest of season. You really don’t need to un-decorate everything once the tree is down. Just take an hour or two to pair down a bit, and put Santa Claus back into the closet for the year. Something about greens and glittery lights make the coldest of winters warm. Take a look at my Winter Decorations post for more help with decorating for winter.

5. Use What You’ve Got
Maybe you don’t love fake snow, or maybe the budget is a bit tight this year—no problem! Christmas is a great time for using what you’ve got! Take a look at my Christmas post on Decorating With No Money from our very first apartment…needless to say, I was working with about $10 and what I had left from my college dorm room!

There you have it! 5 Rules for Christmas decorating this year! I know that you will create something that just makes you want to squeal with glee in your home, and when you do, I want to see it! Make sure to show us in the comments below or find me on your favorite social media outlet. And don’t forget to tag me so I can see your decorating success!
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Want to see more great holiday tutorials and posts? Trim your mantle with my Sashay Christmas stocking pattern, or check out my tutorial & make your own placemats!