The announcements are out, the family has been called, and I’m finally allowed to share our big news with the world! I can’t believe that I’m saying this, but the Rossi family is getting a sweet addition January 3. That’s right—I’m pregnant with our first child!
I can’t tell you how surreal it is to be typing those words right now. I honestly never thought that it would happen to me (just like I never thought I would turn 6, go to highschool, make it to and through college, or get married)! But here we are, and despite our stunned silence, it’s 100% true. There’s even a growing belly to prove it.

This whole process has been a big learning experience for me, and from what I’ve been told, the rest of my life will be from here on out. But it’s amazing to me how much of a control freak, planning, scheming, let’s go! kind of a person that I am. While God quietly sits beside me and says just hold on a second. I don’t have a story quite like Jane, who is now expecting her first after 10 years of struggle (make sure you read her amazing story, here!), but her story gave me hope during my far less, 11 months of waiting.
Now, I know, you might be reading this now, rolling your eyes at me, thinking 11 months is nothing, try waiting as long as I have! And I understand that I don’t understand. Maybe you’re going through something completely different, and no matter what that thing is right now, I want to encourage you, and I would have said the same thing before we conceived, that the God of the universe keeps you in mind. He cares for you.

The idea of a family is a scary one, and the path to it isn’t always so fun. There were many nights where I would cry out to God, saying Why did you forget me? Why did you remember her? The truth was, God never forgot me, and last November, he reminded me of that. There’s a story in the Bible, in Genesis, of a woman (ironically) named Rachel. Her sister was popping kids out like there was no tomorrow, but Rachel was barren. And you know what it says about her? In Genesis 30:22, it says that “God kept Rachel in mind and enabled her to bear a son.” In my notes that day, I wrote this: “But God kept Rachel in mind. A whisper of a sentence in the midst of other women bearing so many children. God never forgot her.” After that, it wasn’t like everything was magically OK or that I felt like God promised to give me a child. There’s just something about knowing that the God of the universe remembers me—things might not go how I have them planned, but He remembers. He hears me. And even loves me. I had been given hope in the midst of a time that was really hard for me.

Now God is moving on to teaching me other things, and honestly, I’m glad that we took our time to learn the first thing. I’ve always imagined that God just “gives” peace to people. That they just get this tingling sensation and feel great, and that I must be doing something wrong because it never happened to me. Praise God that I now know that that’s not true. Peace comes from knowing who God is. Realizing that He cares deeply for you. I’m so grateful to have learned that firsthand.
Now, I’m learning something else new. The idea that God enables every life to happen has been blowing my mind. I truly believe that every life —whether it took very much effort or very little effort on the parent’s part— is created and sustained by God. When I saw that heartbeat on our first sonogram I started shaking, I felt as if I was standing on Holy Ground. There is no way that that heartbeat is flickering because I want it to. There is no way that my baby grows daily because of anything I’m doing. Every living person and creature that I see every day is willed by God to be there: “He Himself gives life and breath to everything.” God is so intimately involved with every part of life (young and old) and there’s absolutely no way to deny that.
I’m so excited to share this huge news with you and how God has been working in our lives in the midst of it. I could go on for pages, so I’ll end by saying thank you. Thank you for embarking on this journey so far with me. I can’t wait to keep sharing and walking through life with you! Fair warning: you’ll probably be seeing a lot more baby-themed stuff from my sewing, fabrics, and posts…hopefully you don’t mind too much!

The fabulous photography was done by Sara Bittner in Lancaster, PA. We had a great time posing with my cleaned up Schwinn Bike (If you don’t remember that story, see my Schwinn repair story here!) and little Trike. Make sure to check out Sara’s other work if you’re looking for a great photographer in Pennsylvania!

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