April! Whew, we had rain, we had snow, we had 80 degrees! The weather is a great reflection of what this month has been for Steven and I: Just crazy! I’d love to share what we’ve been up to, so here it goes:
The month began with some homemade Scuffins! That’s right, scone-muffins. The intention was to have them ready in the freezer for when we had unexpected guests, but they were gone 2 weeks in… Oh well!
All month long I was sewing away to get ready for my beautiful sister-in-law’s baby shower! I made an adorable quilt for baby G, who should be arriving in June!

My dear friend has been working on our wedding gift for months on end (our 1 year anniversary is in June!), so I invited her over to finish it up with her! Here’s the final product:
This month has been filled with volunteer work at my home church. I’ve been re-imagining 2 high school & a 5th & 6th grade classroom…Stay tuned for all the details!
And what is April without some pre-mature gardening? You can bet that as soon as I saw 60 degrees in the forecast, I was at the grocery store buying Pansies…hopefully they’ll make it to May!
Here they are when it decided to snow 1 week later!
What have you been up to this April? I’d love to see your crafts, ideas, and decorations in the comments below or drop by Facebook and show me your pictures!
Happy May 1st!