Last time that you got a Bumpdate, I had just cleared the 20 week mark and was tickled pink about our little baby girl. I can’t believe that it’s already been 2 months since that post! And that little bump has really grown! I’m already so proud of my little peanut, just for growing like she should…it doesn’t take much apparently. Other than cooking up one of the most complex organisms on the earth in my own body—I’ve been really busy with things! My due date of January 3 seems to be only days away and there’s still so much to do! The nursery is well under way with new windows, curtains, changing table, and piles of clothes—let me tell you all about it!
Replacing and Dressing up the Windows
Our home was built in the 60’s and still has the original windows. They are all in desperate need of replacement, but for a couple of 20-somethings with a baby on the way, we’ll have to work room by room. Without a doubt, the first priority was the nursery. Some of the worst windows in the house are found in that room, and I just couldn’t sleep thinking about all the scenarios where that would endanger our baby girl. After much debate, we decided that for a second story install, we’d have to have professionals for the job—so we chose to work with Ronafa Windows and are very pleased with the windows and the service! It’s amazing how big of a difference a new window can make! I quickly got inspired to get the 6 curtain panels (yes, I said 6!) made, and they really brought the space together. I’ve got the full tutorial for full-length curtains here, if you’d like to make some of your own!

Nursery Furniture
Now that curtains are in, it’s time for furniture! All those great selections that I had picked out in the last post finally came in and I couldn’t be happier! Everything in the nursery has some kind of delicious curve to it—the daybed, the crib, and the little antique side table that will sit next to my glider—it’s perfection!

This little setup will sit nicely next to my glider!
The Hoosier is well on it’s way to transforming into a changing table: it just needs a little more TLC and a few more shelves. I’m a big fan of cloth diapering, and I need room to store all those sweet fuzzy bum covers (aaaand maybe a few disposables for the days when I just need to give in!).

Lots of little things yet to be filled in, after my Baby Shower, we’ll be able to wrap up all the details. Another variable that we’re waiting on is a name for little peanut! We had at least 10 solid boy names picked out, but girl names are proving to be difficult! Once that’s chosen, I can start personalizing with her initials (fair warning: her name is 100% top-secret until she’s born). Here’s some of the things I’m dreaming about:

I’d like to make my own, but an initial sculpted from succulents and other florals…yes please! You can get these on Etsy pre-made!

This is another amazing Etsy find that will be the cherry on top in this room!
Sweet Little Fabric Things
Speaking of cloth diapers, I placed my first order from The Little Bee Co. If you want to just get giddy about something—newborn cloth diapers are it. I’ve never experienced such an amazing array of colors in such a teeny tiny little thing. These diapers are the best! For every one that you buy, a child in need gets their own cloth diaper. With The Little Bee Co., not only are you saving money and keeping diapers out of landfills, you’re also helping someone in need. If you haven’t checked them out, you should really give The Little Bee Co. a look.

While we are on the subject of baby coverings and tiny things, I’ve got to admit that I went a little lot crazy at the fabric store after I found out that we were having a girl. I’ve got enough fabric for our peanut to have a different bib from the day she’s born until she’s 5…my Bandit Bib pattern is addictive–even for me! If you’d like to pick up your own copy (and addiction), make sure you head on over to my shop!

Somehow There’s Always More To Do
As much fun as it is to add to my registry (if you’re working on yours and are as stumped as I was, here’s my top 10 list!), sew teeny tiny things, and wade through piles of baby clothes at the thrift store, I’ve realized that there’s not all that much time until she’ll actually be here, in my arms! So, I’ve gone from adding things to a to-do list to actually putting them on the calendar as events! I fully realize that once this sweet little bump makes her appearance, that I won’t be having time for any of those tasks, so we gotta get moving! Some of those tasks include finishing up the studio (can you even believe that I haven’t given you a reveal yet?!), making space for baby paraphernalia in coat closets, kitchen cabinets, and the rest of the house (these little guys know how to take over!), and wrapping up things in the basement. It’ll all get done in due time, but maybe not in time for my due date—in which case, that’s OK too. I’m just excited to meet this little girl who’s already been turning life upside down and inside out—in every single good way imaginable.
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We cloth diaper too, my son is 17 months old now but I love cloth diapering, we also kept his name a secret until he was born 😉
Thank you for saying that! So many people are weirded out that I’d choose to cloth diaper! And I think the name secret keeping is the best idea ever!