Archive for the ‘Design’ Category

2014 Nursery Trends

Hear that? It’s the baby train, and it has officially arrived! We are anxiously waiting for a niece to join our family this summer! Besides that, Kelly Clarkson is expecting a girl and rumor has it that Kate Middleton expecting another (I sure hope so!). So here it is: a post just for your little sweet pea and what the 2014 nursery trends hold for her!

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Remote Interior Design

Looking for a way to get the master suite they wanted with as little involvement as possible, my mother- and father-in-law approached me about designing their room. The problem: I live 800 miles away. Thanks to technology, I’m able to design a room remotely—never stepping foot inside!

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Color Consultation

A few weeks ago I was approached by a wonderful new client about choosing colors for her new home! Color consultations are one of my favorite packages, so I was very excited. When asked about their style they gave me adjectives like clean, sleek, and not afraid of color.

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Stair Art

Faced with a giant blank wall, my heart sank. I didn’t have a single piece of art to clothe it with. Better yet, there was a light switch smack dab in the middle of the wall…actually, worse—almost in the middle of the wall, which would make any interior designer cringe.

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Clean Home, Happy Brain

“Mom, I’m just calling to let you know that I didn’t have to work today!” Mom replied with a squeal of delight, knowing what this meant: time for a clean sweep before our big trip. My mom and I share an (likely unhealthy) obsession about making beds every day and getting the house clean before going away…we’re convinced that it’s good for us.

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