Faced with a giant blank wall, my heart sank. I didn’t have a single piece of art to clothe it with. Better yet, there was a light switch smack dab in the middle of the wall…actually, worse—almost in the middle of the wall, which would make any interior designer cringe.
So what do we do with a limited amount of art and a seemingly unlimited amount of blank wall? Here are five tips to get you on your way!
1. Think Outside the Square
Yes, the square. We get so stuck on the idea of a frame being a square (or rectangle) and forget that we have other options! Turn it on its side to create a diamond or put a few together to create a staggered look.
2. Don’t Stop at the Wall
Don’t limit your art to the walls! Continue it to the floor. Let taller pieces interact with the wall art, drawing the eye down to the floor and to other beautiful accessories such as a vase with branches or a small stool (garden stools are perfect for this job).
3. Put Down the Hammer
Why bother with a hammer and nails? Let your art sit with a group of items. Bathroom windows are a great spot for this! Add flowers or rolled towels to accent and dress up the art.
Another great place to lean wall art is on stair landings. Usually this space sets you up with a huge wall and a small ledge. Art is the perfect solution!
4. Hide It All
Canvas art is a great way to hide the things that you hate about your walls. The almost-centered light switch? HIDE IT! Get a thick canvas piece and put it right over top. Odds are that it’s a 3 Way switch, so flip it on and cover it up! I ran across a great tutorial on how to hide things and keep them accessible if necessary.
5. Mix ‘N’ Match!
Don’t be afraid to mix and match your pieces. Art that has a similar theme or color scheme adds diversity to your space. Go for it!
I hope these tips inspire you to try new things with wall art! How do you use your art unexpectedly? Let me know in the comments below!
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