Archive for the ‘Remodeling’ Category

A great DIY update for your cabinets! Try this tutorial the explains how to cover the inside of your cabinets with fabric!

Today is a short and sweet tutorial on how to add fabric to the inside of your cabinets, bookshelves, or other boring storage units! This all started when I got free cabinet doors and frames for my laundry room and had to build the box. I figured it all out pretty well, and using 3/4″ plywood, I made myself some pretty great cabinets! When we went to paint the insides though, we discovered that plywood doesn’t always get the best coverage. So, I moved on to plan B and decided to cover up the plywood interiors with something lovely! And what is more lovely than fabric?! If you’d like to learn how to add fabric to your furniture, be sure to follow the tutorial below! (Continue reading…)

Before and After Blackwashed Fireplace

A few months ago, I posted about how to whitewash your fireplace. The whole time that I was working on that project, I was thinking to myself: Gee, I wonder if “blackwashing” is a thing?! After much searching (and Pinteresting) without finding much, I decided to figure it out myself! Let me tell you, despite the adrenaline rush I got while working on this project (potentially undoing my work by scrubbing down my giant fireplace with acid is not on my list of things to do), it was 100% worth it! I’m tickled with the results and so glad that I took the risk! Here’s a tutorial for you on how to “blackwash” your fireplace or other brick. (Continue reading…)

Craft Room Shelves

I’ve been to Ikea, I’ve been to Lowe’s, Home Depot, Amazon, and searched to the ends of the World Wide Web. There’s no such thing as cheap shelving and something that is as wonderful as what I had imagined in my head. Looks like it’s time for another helpful tutorial! Today I’m going to show you how I got shelving that is 10 times better than what I found in-store and cost about half of the price! (Continue reading…)

The best way to store fabric! Use cardboard bolts to store your fabric stash!

Well, as you know, my basement remodel is in full force…my office has flooring and due to some *ahem* unexpected budget busters, we’ll be saving up (again) for the ceiling and baseboards. BUT that does not mean that I can’t start moving into my new studio! I’ve chosen to layout my office so that my sewing machine and serger live quietly in the closet, which means that my fabric stash has to find a new home, no more hiding in the closet! (Continue reading…)

Budgeting a remodel

Today I am thrilled to present my most helpful online tool for budgeting and planing your basement renovation. It’s very simple yet incredibly helpful. It plans your renovation budget for you and even has a calculator for drywall, framing, flooring, and ceilings. I’m pretty pleased with this one, so let me show you how it works!

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Types of Heat Pumps

This post might sound a little boring, but let me tell you, there’s no single blog post, search term, or ANYTHING out there that is helping me figure out what to do about the heating and cooling system in our home. I’ve done a lot of digging, and I’ve come up dry. I would love to see your findings, experiences, or thoughts in the comments below, as well; let’s help each other out!
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Image from

As you know, I’ve been hard at work on my basement. Looking back at my Basement Remodel post from back in March, I just want to pat sweet little Rachel on the head for being so ambitious…how cute! Apparently, somewhere between watching HGTV and having contractors do renovations for me, I forgot that THIS IS A HUGE PROJECT! That said, I’ve also been using my time to get some helpful tools together for you who are taking on a basement remodel: blog posts, tutorials, basement budgeting tools—all kinds of goodies! Let’s start with a recap, shall we?
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Remodeling Budget

You do it for grocery shopping, house shopping, and holidays. But you might not realize how important a budget is for home renovating, remodeling, and even decorating. I love making your life easier, so welcome to part 1 of 3 on remodeling budgets and how to get started on renovation planning.


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2014 Nursery Trends

Hear that? It’s the baby train, and it has officially arrived! We are anxiously waiting for a niece to join our family this summer! Besides that, Kelly Clarkson is expecting a girl and rumor has it that Kate Middleton expecting another (I sure hope so!). So here it is: a post just for your little sweet pea and what the 2014 nursery trends hold for her!

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Remote Interior Design

Looking for a way to get the master suite they wanted with as little involvement as possible, my mother- and father-in-law approached me about designing their room. The problem: I live 800 miles away. Thanks to technology, I’m able to design a room remotely—never stepping foot inside!

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