Anyone else sick of hearing about masks?
Me too.
It’s OK.
Anyone who has sewn them knows that it’s more stressful that you thought it was going to be.
I repeat, it’s OK.
I have had quite a few requests for kid-sized instructions for my COVID-19 Mask Tutorial. So, here I am again…today I give you the updated sizes for kid’s COVID-19 masks (if you’re looking for the adult COVID-19 mask tutorial, check it out here)! I think this if you’ve got little ones in your home, it’s good to have them on-hand…you never know when you’re going to need it. And since kids are generally asymptomatic, we want to be sure that we are not passing the virus through their innocent (yet germy) breath!

Please know that this is not an ideal scenario! If you are experiencing symptoms and a disposable mask is available, use it. These cotton masks are a last-resort. The CDC is saying that a bandana or scarf will do if no disposable masks are available. These have a tighter weave and seal off the nose and mouth better, so there is some value to this style of mask.
Supply List
Here is a basic supply list, but feel free to improvise since we’re all stuck inside at the moment!
- 100% cotton fabric (this can be tea towels, tee-shirts (not stretchy), or quilting cotton. Batiks are great because they have a tight weave)
- Polyester thread (if you have it!)
- Pipe cleaners
- Pliers (helpful but not required)
- 1/4″ elastic (this is in very short supply, I’ve had great success with ribbon, you can read about it here.)
- Pins
- Erasable fabric pen or marker

Same great pattern,Updated dimensions.
I’m working on a video specifically for kid-sized COVID masks, but it’s not quite ready yet. So, for now, you can use the same video, supplies, and instructions as I’ve posted for the adult size mask, but make sure you’re following the changes I’m giving you below:
- First, cut a rectangle measuring 12″ x 5.5″
- While you’re at it, cut two 2″ x 4″ strips for the side casing
- Lastly, you’ll need two pieces of ribbon measuring 36″ each. OR one piece of Elastic measuring 28″
Ribbon works well for little girls (or boys) that can get their hair up into a pony tail. Elastic is a better option for those without that much hair.
How to make a Kid’s COVID-19 Mask
Here’s my video tutorial on cotton masks! Scroll to the bottom to see the written (less detailed) instructions.
Written Mask Tutorial
- 100% Cotton Fabric
- Polyester Thread
- Pipe Cleaner
- Rotary Cutter
- Scissors
- 28″ of 1/4″ Elastic (or 2 yards of ribbon)
- Erasable Fabric Marker
- Yarn Needle (not required, but helpful)

How to make a mask
- Cut fabric to 12″ x 5.5″
- Fold fabric RST, matching short ends and stitch to make a tube
- Turn right side out and press so that the seam sits on the fold
- Topstitch 3/8″ away from the seam
- Make three even pleats on the mask, about 1/2″ deep. Remember to keep them all going in the same direction!
Creating the Binding
- Cut a 2″ strip
- Cut two 2″ strips that are about 1/2″ longer than the sides of your mask on each end
- Fold each end in and iron to be flush with your mask.
- On the long edges, turn all raw edges into the center of your strips
- Fold the strip in half around your mask edges to create a casing
- Match raw edges of binding to raw edge of mask. Top stitch along folded edge of binding on one side
- Turn edges of pipe cleaner under and INSERT PIPE CLEANER into top of mask BEFORE adding second binding edge
- Add the remaining binding piece onto the last raw edge of the mask
Finishing Touches
- thread elastic (or ribbon) through yarn needle
- thread through the binding edges, making a loop.
- ELASTIC ONLY – Stitch ends together and pull into the binding to hide (adjust length as needed and stitch in place).
- RIBBON ONLY – Center the ribbon so that it’s even on both ends of the casing. Topstitch in the center of the side mask to secure ribbon. Heat ribbon ends to keep from fraying (check out how I did it, here!)
If you’re making lots of masks for students or kids that are out-and-about, be sure to pick up my Mask Laundry Bag! This is perfect for keeping all those COVID masks organized during the school day.
Get your Maskerade Pattern Here!
If you’ve been looking for a mask organizer bag, look no more! This single bag is separated into to compartments for quick and easy storage of clean and dirty masks. Customize with your favorite fabrics, iron-ons and patches.

Very well done! Thank you