A Christmas Stocking Sew-Along
Don’t worry—I don’t hate Christmas—In fact, it’s my most favorite time of year! But there’s always those projects that you forgot to get to all year long, and you just can’t help but say oh crap! More often than not, those sorts of projects are stockings, pillows, tree skirts, and other home accessories that really put your decor over the top for the season…if it’s made, that is! This week to celebrate the coming season, I’ll be hosting a sew-along for my Sashay Christmas Stocking. This way, we’ll all get through this together, knock out this project, and be inspired to charge through the pile of over-due projects on our cutting tables!
The Sashay Christmas Stocking
Let’s talk a little bit about this beyond-adorable stocking before we go any further! This stocking started out as a personal project for my baby girl (due January 3—but she might just be here in time for Christmas!), and I loved it so much that I thought I’d share it with you too. This would make a great stocking for a boy too—just swap out the ruffled ribbon for some piping or burlap.

I didn’t even get to the best part yet—this Christmas stocking is totally reversible! That means that you get two options every year with this beauty…which is the best, because sometimes we get tired of our old Christmas decor and need to switch it up.

The Game Plan
So, I suppose you’re wondering what our game plan is for this Christmas Stocking Sew Along & how I expect us to all have a lovely little stocking (or two) by Friday, December 2! Here’s the play-by-play for the week:
Monday (November 28)
On Monday we’ll choose our fabrics—I know that this can be an all-day affair for some, so you’ve got the whole day to pick and choose, and then show off your selections on Facebook and Instagram!
If you’re a fabric pre-washer, be sure to get things washed tonight!
Tuesday (November 29)
On Tuesday you’ll be piecing together your printed pattern, and then cutting out your fabrics…can you feel the anticipation!?
Wednesday (November 30)
Wednesday is cuff day! We’ll be making a ruffle and making the cuffs for this Christmas Stocking, those little frilly ribbons will get you more excited than you would think!
Thursday (December 1)
Thursday’s the day when things really start coming together. We’ll be putting the body of the stocking together and adding the cuff.
Friday (December 2)
Friday is finishing day! Here’s where both sides of the stocking come together and you get to add all the delicious details. And of course, this is when we share our victory all over Facebook and Instagram—how could you resist!?

How to Join the Sew Along

Now that you’re all in—how do you hop on this train!? Well, starting Sunday, you can get the Sashay Christmas stocking at a super exclusive discount! Yeah, that’s right…super exclusive. Just use the code CrapItsChristmas at checkout, then hop back here every day next week to keep up with the sew along, share your pictures, and see everyone’s progress. It’s going to be great—I promise! Make sure that you join my Facebook page for play-by-play pictures, questions, and updates on your fellow sewists. And don’t forget to use the #CrapItsChristmas on Facebook and Instagram!
I can’t wait to see all your beautiful creations and get the spark started to finish all those other projects on the pile! Happy sewing everyone, I’ll talk to you on Monday!
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