Winter Blues: Decorating for Winter

Decorating for winter

The Christmas tree drops needles every time someone breathes, and the presents are piled up under the tree…still. You love Christmas decorations, but it’s probably time for them to go. STOP RIGHT THERE! I’m going to show you how easy your winter decorating can be this year. So, put down the forsythia wreath and back away slowly—it’s not spring yet!

What Should Go

Obviously, it’s time to say goodbye to the Christmas tree that has been taking over the living room for 2 months now. Don’t worry, your tree will still have a permanent place in your home…you’ll be cleaning up needles well into July.

Seeya mistletoe, you’re a cute Christmas tradition, but we can only take that awkwardness for 2 weeks a year.

The presents. I know that it’s painful to find a place for one more pair of socks, but just bite the bullet and put everything away. You’ll feel like a million bucks when those carefully stacked piles are put away.

The nativity. I love my nativity set more than anyone I know, but it’s time to pack it up.


What to Keep

Now that your furniture is back to normal and you can think straight, start fluffing up those greens and fixing those garlands! Things like evergreen boughs, snow covered roses and poinsettias, and berries and holly can stick around. Snow covered sticks, birch branches, pine cones—all of these are great winter decorations!

Winter Poinsettias

Get all of those blankets out! What’s better than snuggling up on the couch with a million blankets and a hot cup of tea?! Blankets are the perfect winter accessory along with a few carefully placed coffee table books.

Candy Decorations Winter decorating

Sleds, snowmen, deer, glittery fruit, candy canes, snowflakes, and a few select ornaments can all stay out. Sometimes it’s hard to separate Christmas from winter, but when you think about it, Christmas borrowed all of these things from winter—not the other way around!

So there you have it! You don’t have to have a plain old boring house until spring comes around, and you don’t have to decorate for Easter just yet either! Winter decorating doesn’t have to be all that much work: just pack up anything that screams Christmas, like presents, ribbons, nativities, and the like and leave out the greens, berries, candles, and even a few lights!

The Great Stocking Debate

Winter Stockings

There is one thing that isn’t quite clear to me: do we leave the stockings up, or not? I vote yes, but I know it could go either way. I just love love love stockings by the fireplace—what could be better?! What do you think? Are stockings too Christmas-y to leave up for the winter? I’d love to hear your comments below!

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