We recently got a ***brand new*** Hobby Lobby nearby.
My sister and I used to drive at least 45 minutes with 3 littles in the back seat to get there.
Now we just stroll right on over whenever we get the chance…let’s just say it’s a game changer.
So, as I was strolling through my friendly neighborhood Hobby Lobby, I noticed the overwhelming amount of Christmas decorations made of PomPoms…I’m talking ornaments, trees, garlands, pillows…you name it!
But the prices were OUTRAGEOUS. So, I carted myself and my little crafty baby over to the kids section and started throwing PomPoms in my cart.
I got home and got to work. My little assistant munched on some raisins as she watched her favorite show, Fig (Tumble Leaf) and I quietly started stringing these cuties together. It wasn’t long before she joined in and handed me every other red PomPom…Yes, I melted all over.
It wasn’t long before I had strung two bags of PomPoms together for a gorgeous little garland that cost me less than $5!

Today, I’ll show you how to make a PomPom Garland of your own—great for decorating the Christmas Tree, Mantle, Stair Railing…whatever you can think of. I’m also excited to make these for future birthday parties! This is a great alternative to the (adorable but insanely expensive) felted wool garlands. It’s a similar look for pennies. I hope you enjoy this little tutorial:
How to Make a PomPom Garland
What You’ll Need
This project doesn’t take much!
- An assortment of PomPoms (any color or size will do! I used a medium size)
- Topstitching Thread
- Hand Sewing Needle with a large eye
My garland measures about 7 feet, using 200 PomPoms that measure 1.”

What To Do
The instructions in this tutorial might be shorter than your supply list—it’s so simple!
Make a Plan
All you need to do is figure out what pattern you’d like your PomPoms to be in. I chose to be simple and just alternate red and white. Be creative with this! You can create an interesting pattern, alternate sizes of PomPoms, add in beads and charms—there are a million ideas!

Thread a Needle
I chose to thread my needle onto the string while it was still on the spool. This way I could make it as long as I wanted and trim at the end. It also helped me to keep it from tangling up!
String A PomPom
Then, feel for the center of your PomPom. It should feel a little bit hard or firm. Carefully poke your needle through and pull it onto your string. Give it a little tug to make sure you got it securely through the center. Now add on your second PomPom or whatever comes next in the pattern you created!
Space them Out
Once you’ve got all your PomPoms strung, it’s time to space them out. I like to just make a little pinch of thread appear between each, but it’s equally adorable to butt them up against each other or give them a lot of breathing room!
Keep on going for a garland that measures about 7 feet long or add more PomPoms to go even longer!

How do you use PomPoms to decorate? I’d love to see your version in the comments below!
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