Reality Check
For the past few weeks I have been feeling convicted. Not just a nagging conviction, it’s really been relentless. Pile on persecution in the Middle East, broken peace treaties, thousands fleeing from Ukraine to the borders of Russia with a side of me complaining about having too much stuff, and you’ve got a picture of how I’ve been feeling for the past few months. Through all the house searching and buying, questions of how many bedrooms, bathrooms, porches, even number of kitchens has come up- I’ve considered becoming a minimalist, part of the tiny house movement, a renter, a house flipper, a model home buyer…who knows what all I’ve considered. Because I feel that something is wrong here, like life shouldn’t be all about me or my home.

I’ve come to the conclusion that what we are isn’t important. But how we are is. I’ve been put in this place at this time… What I do with that is up to me. I should use what I’ve been given in a way that blesses others. It’s easy to think of unselfish ways to use my money or time, but what about my home?
A Beginning
My first thought when trying to answer this question actually takes me back to a childhood dream. I read a book series (who knows the name, I’m sure it had something to do with horses though-I was one of those girls!) about this woman who had a ton of rooms in her home. These rooms were just waiting for whoever needed a place, not just where they could stay, but where they were wanted. I remember thinking that’s going to be me, I want to do that for people. The funny thing is, your heart is right where it needs to be when you’re young. But then life gets in the way- it just takes some conviction to get you heart back on track.
Where To Start
I think that this is something that is going to take me a while to figure out, but I have some ideas and would love to hear yours. Be sure to leave more ideas in the comments below.
Open your front door!
Have someone over-maybe she’s quiet, new in town, or newly married: but I can attest, an invitation to dinner can be an answered prayer. Being invited into a home can do wonders for the soul, especially for the wandering college student.
A dining room that you actually use
Don’t just let that formal dining room sit for 362 days of the year. Invite people over. New people at church, work, families from school, neighbors- anyone! Sharing food with others is strangely personal. It makes your guests feel wanted, cared for and loved.
The guest room
This might be more than hard, maybe a little bit scary. (But since I don’t even have a guest room, I can say it with little to no risk involved!) To give up your privacy, your schedule, to give a place to someone who doesn’t have one. But I’d encourage you to think about giving it a try. I’m not saying to become a doormat, but I am saying that making your home a safe (temporary) haven is probably one of the hardest, most rewarding things that you could do. I can almost assure you that it won’t be easy and you probably will be taken advantage of at one point or another. But to share the love of God with another human being makes it all worth it.

It’s amazing how your outlook changes with a giving heart. I’ve found meaning even in things like cleaning my house. You never know when someone might stop in or need someone to talk to, and if you’re worried about what the house looks like, you’re probably not as present as you could be…suddenly, cleaning is worth my time!
I think there’s potential here. Let stop closing out the world in our homes and start inviting others in. People would be healed and lives would be changed. I would love to embark on this journey of giving with you! I’d love to hear how you have or plan to be generous with your home or other blessings in the comments below!