…thank goodness!

As we leave 2020 in the dust and look forward to what 2021 might hold, I find myself planning and scheming, hoping and dreaming. I want to share some of what you’re going to be seeing in the next year as I make some big changes and see what you’d like to see!
What 2021 Has in Store
Honestly, I have no idea what 2021 has in store for me. BUT there are a few things I can plan on, so that’s where I’m going to start!

A new little someone
Steven and I are so thrilled to welcome another baby girl to our family this March (if you missed the announcement, see it here!).

Along with new tiny people comes new HUGE responsibilities. I’ve done this before, but every baby is different, so I’m planning but staying flexible – babies before business!
Fresh Patterns
I’ve been working hard to get ahead this year and am happy to say that I plan on releasing 6 new quilt patterns in 2021! That doesn’t include smaller project patterns or tutorials, but you can count on at least 6 pattern releases coming to you this year.

New Opportunities
2020 has been a year of reflecting and rolling with the punches. Coincidentally, I had already been planning on offering online classes when we started talking about a second baby.

When the pandemic hit, I knew that I had to get moving on it. I’m excited to say that I will be releasing two new online workshop opportunities in January and more throughout the year through the Teachable platform!
Exciting Ideas
In addition to all of these great developments, I decided that as we start into my 6th year of business that I’d start blogging a bit more about the business side of things!

I’m hoping that this helps me stay on track as a business owner and helps those just entering into this wild industry. If nothing else, it will be fun to get a peek behind the quilt for all of my faithful followers!
What would you like to see?
I’m excited to get moving on a new, fresh year, but I’d really like to hear from you! I want to know what you’re hoping to learn, tackle, or what you’d like to see from me in the coming year! I’m looking for all sorts of suggestions:
- What do you want to see on the blog?
- How do you feel about the new video tutorials?
- What techniques are you hoping to tackle?
- What online workshop are you hoping to take?
Here’s to a better year, full of the fresh, exciting, and new!