The blue Tupperware.
I remember it well; this blue Tupperware container was made for making homemade wipes. My mom used it for my brother, my sister, and me and even saved the container to pass onto us when we had our own babies to make wipes for. Smart lady, because Tupperware stopped making these containers!
I know it sounds like a big hassle, but making your own wipes is an incredibly easy way to save some cash when you’ve got kids in diapers! My Mom shared this recipe with me, and now I’m sharing it with you!
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What You’ll Need
- 1 roll of recycled, all natural paper towels (buying in bulk isn’t a bad idea!)
- Baby Soap (I make my own baby soap, but I do love the scents that the Honest Company has to offer!)
- 2 Cups Water
- Container with lid (this compost container is the perfect size!)

How to Make the Wipes
Grab a serrated knife (my bread knife is perfect for this) and cut your roll of paper towels in half. This might make a bit of a mess on the counter, but just wipe off the fuzz when you’re through!
Place one half of the roll in your container. Set aside.
Mix 2 tablespoons of baby soap in 2 cups of water. Pour the mix over your paper towel roll.
Let the mix sit for a few minutes. Then, simply pull the cardboard center our of the paper towel roll, recycle, and you’re ready for action! Pull the wipes from the center, just like you would with store bought wipes!
That’s all there is to it! Wipe away and enjoy the extra cash that you’ll save by making your own homemade wipes!
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