It’s that time of year again! You know, when you realize that your office has gotten completely out of control! We realized it when my husband, Steven, had his books thrown across the entire house. So we took an evening and organized bookshelves, here are 4 tips to help you fit all of those books on those bookshelves.
As embarrassing as it is that you know how bad our office can look, I wanted to prove that these 4 tips really can make a world of difference for all of your bookshelves. No more storing books in the attic or using up your precious closet space!
1.Bookshelves are for Books
I know, I know, what fun is that?! If you have leftover room after organizing everything, by all means, throw in those fun accessories! But for our purposes, focus on fitting all the books in first. These great A-Z bookends are great if you want functional accessories.
2. Categorize
Not everyone has the space to categorize books like the library! Separate your books by cover type (hard or soft), genre, or size. We used a combination of these—each shelf containing a specific genre.
3. Stack It Up!
You can save the most space by stacking your books vertically rather than horizontally. Separate books by size and stack similarly sized books together. I would suggest stacking the shortest books first, since they take up the least amount of space.

4. Use Every Inch
Do you know how much space is wasted behind your books? Place books that you use less frequently behind books that you use more often (sometimes, desperate times call for desperate measures).

When you use these tips, you will have more space for books than you ever thought possible. We were able to fit an additional 2 shelves worth of books into Steven’s shelves! I’d love to see your before and after photos!
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