Alright, it’s confession time…
I haven’t been posting about what’s going on with me because, well, I’ve been so busy! Today is going to be like one of those days that you call an old friend and catch up on everything. I swear we’ll keep in touch better—we say it every time. So, let’s get to catching up!
July 2014
Last you heard, Steven and I were on the hunt for our first home. Well, after a long and intense search, we finally found the perfect place to call home! It’s a darling little Cape Cod home with some great potential!

August 2014
August was a month filled with all things that I love. Refinishing, cleaning, renovating, arranging, organizing…setting up our new home was such a blast for me! Of course a homeowner’s work is never done, but it’s amazing what we and our families got done in this month or two—you wouldn’t recognize this house!

September 2014
September was so much fun! It was all hands on deck, getting ready for the winter months ahead. Canning took up most of my time and my sweet Dad was finding every reason to visit and help get the house ready for the cold.

We even got a sweet little bunny to add to our new place. His name is Pippin and he’s very content in his new home!

October 2014
October was a rush: getting ready for fall, decorating, and getting ready for the arrival of my sweet nephew! We had a great baby shower for my sister—my mom and all the special ladies in my family had a great time planning and preparing for the arrival of our newest love!

And we had that baby shower just in time! Just a few weeks later little Trevor was born. I’ve been smitten since day one!

November 2014
November was a fast moving train for me! I accepted a job offer at a local cabinet company as a kitchen design consultant and started a 3-week training program that had me commuting 3 hours a day! Needless to say, my Instagram account wasn’t super exciting this month, but I met some really wonderful new friends and looked forward to my new line of work! We finished training just in time for Thanksgiving, which was spent with my family this year. We ended the weekend with a beyond-exciting Christmas tree adventure!

December 2014
As it usually does, December came and went quickly. Steven and I spent a magical evening at Kitchen Kettle Village among some very old, very intriguing music boxes. It really got us into the Christmas spirit!

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that the Downtown Abbey premier was a family event for us. Tea and cookies for all!

January 2015
January has been an interesting month for me. The cold weather has a way of getting me down, but then the dear people in my life bring me up again. Whether it’s a mom dropping by with yellow daisies or Steven helping me get organized, this month has reminded me how blessed I am by the people in my life. Very very blessed. The way ice greets me with its new design on my window every morning or the vibrancy of a cardinal in my favorite tree reminds me that even in the coldest months beauty can be found.

So, what’s been going on with you? Look back over the past few months—use Instagram if you need to—and tell me what has been exciting, a blessing, or so very special to you this year. It’s a good practice and something we should do more often. I’d love to hear all about it in the comments below or on my Facebook page.
Here’s to a new month: February, here we come!