June has been an exciting month. There’s (brand) new faces, exciting places (half of June was just driving!), and exciting times to share with you. Read on to see what we’ve been up to and what’s coming up in the next few months!
Let My People Go!
This month I had the honor of attending a fabulous play at Sight and Sound Theatres! My brother just started working there this year, and it’s the first play since! Steven and I were thrilled to see all of his (and his co-worker’s) hard work pay off in a spectacular production!

You’ve Got Mail
Over the past few months, I’ve been asking everyone for donations of baby supplies through my website, Tabitha’s Threads. It was exciting to watch donations come in from around the country! I finally got everything together and shipped a box to the Philippines – a special project that is very near and dear to my heart. To learn more about how you can help, visit Tabitha’s Threads!
Take me to the Beach
We finally got to vacation! I haven’t been on a family vacation in 3 years (there’s always something going on!). We went to Hatteras, North Carolina. It was beautiful and it was Steven and my 1 year anniversary! We spent the week on the beach, in the museums and out on the kayaks. I’m so grateful to have spent an entire week with my fantastic family!

But Then…
2 days before our vacation was over we got a call from my mother-in-law. “Her water broke!” She exclaimed. We packed up and were out of there by 10:30PM and in the hospital by 7AM! Unfortunately we missed the birth of my beautiful niece, but we got to see her the next morning. What a great blessing!

The Hunt is On!
That’s right, Steven got a job and now we are looking for a place to call home! I love looking through old houses and finding all of the amazing treasures about each of them. Check out this Victorian doorbell. Unfortunately, the rest of the house was not as functional as this doorbell (but it was equally cool).

I’m excited to have had the chance to spend time with my family this month and look forward to all the memories ahead of us! I’m sure the next few months will be full of house hunting, buying or renting and job searching- who knows where things will go! Stay tuned to see what I’m up to next. Happy July everyone!