Labeling your cut blocks is so incredibly helpful and can often speed up the whole piecing process. It seems like such a small thing to do, but I often forget to do it, or am so excited to get sewing that I just skip it (and always regret it later)! Today I want to give you a short and sweet tip and give you a chance to share some of your own tips for making the whole quilting process go just a little bit smoother and faster!

I have yet to find the best way to keep my labels on my pieces, often times an open window or ceiling fan will scatter my paper labels all over the room! I would definitely suggest at least pinning your labels to the top of each pile or, if they are small enough, labeling a Zip-loc bag with each dimension and pattern piece label. It just makes things so much easier, there’s less back and forth within the pattern and wondering hmmm…which piece was Rectangle A? and measuring and re-measuring time and time again! It’s a great feeling to zoom through the pattern, confidently grabbing your pieces as you go!There you have it: a simple, but incredibly necessary trick for quilters! It’s a great habit to get into and can help speed up the whole quilting process!
What is your favorite way to label your quilting pieces? Do you have other tips and tricks that make your projects go faster? We’d love to hear all about it in the comments below!
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