Week 2 | Cutting

In this Chapter we’ll go over cutting!
If you’ve decided to join the class, I’ll go into further detail and talk about the fabric choices I’ve made, how to read my charts, and go over best practices for cutting and cutting with ombres in Chapter 2!
Reading Cutting Charts
At first blush, my cutting chart looks like A LOT. I promise that once you get to really look at it you’ll see that it makes a lot of sense. First, find your size at the top of the chart. Focus on that column only. It might help to cover the other sizes or highlight your size so that you don’t get mixed up.

Follow along with me as we read the first row in your pattern (as shown above):
- Starting at the far left, you’ll see that we are working with the TREE fabric. Then moving to the top/right, we’ll focus on the small tree.
- Cut TWO 6-7/8″ x WOF strips
- Then, working your way to the right (under your size) you’ll see what to do with those strips: In this case, cut 21 A templates.
- See below for how to cut using the Shorthand Templates.
Cutting with Templates
Every pattern includes a paper copy of my Shorthand Template Set. You can choose to make your own templates from plastic or cardboard, or you can purchase a set from me.
If you’d like an overview of how it all works or want to do a few practice blocks first (recommended) check out these helpful videos:
To learn more about Shorthand Templates and patterns, check out my Shorthand Page!
Here are a few things to keep in mind while cutting:

We will always have two template pieces to work with: A (shaped like an A) and D (shaped like a D). There are not other pieces with these letter labels, so when you see A or D, it’s always referring to pieces cut using these template pieces.
We will use these pieces to build what I call Shorthand Blocks.

You’ll notice labels with combinations like A1 or D3 in your labels. This is how we will track out template pieces AND the background colors. This will become important later in your quilt as you are piecing the quilt center and borders, so be sure to include those notations on your labels.
My biggest piece of advice if you’ve never worked with my Shorthand Templates before (and really for any new block in any quilt) is to cut a few practice pieces. Get used to cutting, sewing, and trimming these shapes before batch making them.
Things to Keep in Mind
There are a few considerations to keep in mind with my templates depending on your fabric choices:
- Always cut your templates out with fabric folded in half. This will ensure that you’re creating a mirrored image of each D template (necessary for creating the Shorthand Block) and will save time as you cut the A blocks.
- IF you’re using a directional fabric, you can NOT flip your templates as I show you in the video. While this will eat up more fabric, it will ensure that your fabric is facing the right direction in the finished quilt. Make sure to account for the extra fabric that you’ll need if you’re choosing to do it this way.
- If you’re using ombre fabrics for your trees, make sure you pay careful attention to my cutting instructions here and label your pieces! If you’re in the class, you have access to videos and labels for this portion in your portal!

It’s not too late!
Join my Virtual Class!
If you love to see what I’m saying rather than reading it, then this virtual class is for you! These pre-recorded classes have everything you need to complete this quilt top:

- 8 Chapters walking you through the toughest parts of this quilt: an hour and a half of video instruction!
- Work at your own pace! Start, stop, pause, and rewind as needed
- Printable Labels for all of those cut pieces!
- Cheat Sheets for using Shorthand Templates
- Help with those tricky Ombre borders
- Thorough details on cutting curves, sewing curves, and trimming the perfect Shorthand Block!
- You’ll get all of this and Lifetime access with your online account!
Please note that all class participants will be required to order a pattern to participate in class!
Ready for More?

Done with this post? Let’s head on over to our next portion: Sewing & Trimming Shorthand Blocks!
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