It’s time to share another one of my favorite little Tidbits! I love these short and sweet tips and tricks for your sewing life. Today I want to share how I store my current projects and UFOs.

I’m hoping to work through my UFO pile (read about my plan of attack here) this year, but I needed a cheap and easy way to get them organized and under control in the meantime.
Let’s just say I found the PERFECT thing! The best part is, you probably already own these helpful organization tools and they were probably free.
Yes, I’m talking about those PVC, fabric, or drawstring bags that hold sheets and curtains when you buy them…it’s the perfect solution!
These pouches are great for store display, but let’s be real—you’re never getting your sheets back in them! So why not use them for your sewing projects!?

Some of you are ecstatic, you’ve been holding onto these and now you know what to do with them! Others of you probably threw these out as soon as you got them, or held onto them for too long and just got rid of them. But never fear! Check with friends who have moved recently (or plan to move soon) or are redecorating their home. If you still can’t find any, they actually sell these on Amazon!
I love this storage solution because it’s a safe way to store your fabrics. Some include zippers, which is a great way to make sure everything stays contained when the piles start to overflow. My goal is to get my UFO pile down to the point where I only need the pretty fabric bags…but we’ll see if I get there this year!

What’s your favorite way to store projects? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!
I do this! I save all of these bags and give them to students who attend class and do not have anything to put in progress quilts in or completed quilts. It is all part of going green!
I love to store my UFO’s in the 12×12 scrap booking / Iris cases from Michaels. These are the perfect size; see-through, and stackable! (I will not say how many stacks I have…!)
These are usually on sale every time they have all craft storage on sale. They also come in smaller, 8×8 sizes, which I love for my EPP projects.