“Did you weed the flowerbed out front?”
“Me neither…you don’t think the neighbors weeded, do you?”
“Well, that’s embarrassing”
Let’s be honest. This is not a conversation that anyone wants to have with their spouse. But I did. And I’m fairly certain that our weeds got so out of hand that our neighbors took pity on us and weeded our front flower beds for us. And I’m sure they did it out of the best intentions, but it’s still a wake up call. When it comes to the front of our house, we bit off a bit more than we can chew.

That was last summer. This summer, we’ve now got overgrown shrubs and wild bushes that I have no idea what to do with. And if I did know what to do with them, I still wouldn’t want to do the trimming because I don’t even like them! So, this year we are taking a step back, looking at what really matters in life, and deciding that less is usually more. I don’t want to be tied down to my front yard. I want it to look good and clean and not really have to mess with it. So, this spring we are un-landscaping.

This is the before…soon to be followed by a spectacular after!
I’m a little nervous, because I have yet to see a house without a front flowerbed, but I’m hoping that this turns out to look very modern and clean. Here’s our plan:
- Rip out the overgrown bushes
- Level out the ground and put down grass seed
- Make our own window boxes (check out my full tutorial!)
- Fix our sinking stoop
- Find two nice (large) planters for the new stoop and call it a day!

I thoroughly enjoy caring for our garden out back, but trimming bushes and pulling weeds out front isn’t my idea of fun. So, here we go! Grass to be cut along with the rest of the lawn and some fun window boxes sounds like the perfect idea to me. So, here’s to a clean slate, a clean schedule, and a little something that I might just enjoy!
Make sure to follow along with our journey:
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