“So what do you do?”
This question often comes up when meeting new people & I always sort of stumble around trying to find a way to encompass all of the things that I actually do in a socially-acceptably-short answer. The problem is that yes, I design patterns, but I also do a thousand other things that are just as important! If you start clicking around on my website, you’ll quickly find that this place is a gold mine for useful information; tutorials, patterns, spreadsheets, DIY project instructions…the list goes on and on. There’s so much packed into this thing, that you’re likely missing out on some part of it. Today, I’d love to show you just what I’ve got to offer and make sure that you’re taking full advantage of it!
Pattern Design
Quilt & Home Accessory Patterns

My first love is, and always will be, quilting and home dec sewing patterns. I’ve been whipping up patterns for myself and my family since I was just a little thing, it’s only natural for me. My modern quilt patterns come in a variety of styles and sizes. I seem to enjoy designing baby quilts the best (who doesn’t want to let out their inner kid?), but do enjoy the pride of finishing a larger quilt, like a twin or throw size.
Free Patterns
Who doesn’t like free stuff? Especially us crafters—we are always up for a freebie! I’ve got a slew of free patterns already released (just waiting for you to download them), and a few more coming out over the next few months. My favorites are the Perfect Pillowcase and the Blessings Tissue Box Cover, they make a lovely couple. Just imagine a perfectly crisp pillow propped up on your freshly made bed, and a nightstand donned with a perfectly matching tissue box! I’ve got a great little post on how to use these free sewing patterns for a care package, make sure to check it out.

There’s a teeny tiny little tab up in the menu that says Wholesale, if you’re not a shop owner, I’m sure you never had the urge to wander on over there, BUT did you know that if you drop me a message, I’ll send you a free information packet to give to your favorite brick & mortar quilt shop. When they place their first order, you’ll receive a free gift! So, if you’d like to see my patterns in your favorite quilting store & like good gifts, contact me!
You can also find me…
My shop isn’t the only place to get my patterns—you can find me on UpCraft and Craftsy as well!
Blog Posts
At any given time, you can find the freshest sewing and DIY blog posts right here! I release a post every Monday and Thursday—that’s a lot of posts, people! I don’t want my blog to just be me babbling on about myself (there’s a few of those posts around here once in a great while). My main goal with blogging is to be helpful! I want you to learn how to challenge yourself with new projects, be it DIY, sewing, embroidery, quilting, or whatever I think of next— I want to give you all the know-how that I can.
Sewing Blog Posts
Most weeks, you’ve got at least one sewing or quilting blog post coming your way. Some of my most popular posts have been on How to Bind a Quilt and Creative Quilt Labels.

Pattern Reviews
I’m always on the lookout for the freshest and best sewing patterns out there—I know that there are lots of great designers in the world for me to learn from. I’ll often whip up a project for myself (that may or may not have been sitting on the ever-growing project pile for a few months) and share my thoughts with you. My most popular sewing pattern review was about the Diva Frame Wallet by Sew Many Creations.

DIY Tips & Tutorials
Even though my focus is pattern design, my other love is interior design, DIY, and just making space beautiful! I hold a degree in interior design, and this blog actually started out as an interior design blog for my business. After some reshaping of the business, I still can’t quite let go of the urge to share my DIY projects with you! My most-loved DIY posts are the Carpet Binding Tutorial and a post on How to Blackwash your Fireplace.

DIY Tools
By far, my most popular posts are those about renovation and DIY renovation budgets. I’ve also got a whole page packed full of useful renovation tools, posts, and info. Lots of people doing their own renovations find this page incredibly useful. My Free Kitchen and Bathroom Renovation Budget Spreadsheet Templates have helped countless DIYers on their path to a successful and on-budget project.

How to Get it All
Some of you are probably wondering why you didn’t know this all existed already. That’s OK—now you know! I can promise you that things are only going to get bigger, better, and more useful from here on out—so let’s make sure you’re not missing out anymore…
Did you know that my email subscribers score big every week!? When you sign up for an email subscription, you’ll automatically get a free pattern in your first weekly email (yippee!). Then, you’ll get an exclusive store discount, only available to my email subscribers (horrah!). AND THEN you’ll know about my secret sales which are available to email subscribers only. If that’s not enough for you, you’ll get the short-and-sweet version of every blog post, and be the first to know about sales, pattern releases, and special events. Long story short: sign up for email subscriptions, you won’t regret it.

Sign up today to get your free pattern!
Note: My email inbox is completely overflowing with email—I’m not interested in torturing you like that. I only send one email a week, and your email is never shared with any third parties, so one email means one email!
Facebook is the lifeblood of the sewing and quilting community. If you want to know what’s new, ask a question, or show off your latest project triumph–Facebook is the place for it. Make sure that you join my Facebook group & don’t miss out! It’s a great creative community and I love the inspiration & encouragement that comes from there!

I don’t need to stay much here…I’ve got a giant Pinterest account that I know is going to inspire you! Hop on over there and follow my boards!

Another account that doesn’t require much explanation—we all love Instagram! I post all sorts of things here: personal, business, sewing, quilting, gardening…you name it, I post it. Make sure to follow me on Instagram!

There you have it—just a little bit more about what I do and how you can take full advantage of everything my site has to offer! Maybe next time someone asks me what I do, I’ll just send them to this post…
Enjoy reading this post? To make sure you don’t miss a thing, follow me on Pinterest, Facebook, and Instagram and sign up for an email subscription to my blog.