Welcome to 2019! It seems like this will be the year of trunk shows for me and I want to fill you in on all the opportunities you have to hear from me this year. This week was scheduled to be a Youtube video…unfortunately, I’ve got a cold that’s been hanging around for far too long and you don’t want to see (or hear) me in this state! Stay tuned next week for a brand new Youtube tutorial that you’re sure to love.
Upcoming Quilt Shows
This year I’ll be cutting back on shows that I travel for, that said, I have a few new shows that I’ll be trying out. Here’s the full list. If you’re going to be in the area, be sure to drop by and say hi!

There’s a good chance that I’ll be adding to this list later in the year, so always check back to see if we’ll see each other!
February 2019
February 21—24: Quiltcon (TN)
February 28—March 3: Mid-atlantic Quilt Festival (Hampton, VA) I’ll also be teaching at this festival, so make sure to check out those details below under “Classes”
March 2019
March 27—30: Quilt Week (PA)
May 2019
May 9—11: Quiltfest (Lancaster, PA) I’ll also be teaching at this festival, so make sure to check out those details below under “Classes”
2019 Trunk Shows
If you are part of a guild, shop, or other sewing group and would like to invite me to your next quilting event, please get in touch. I am often traveling along the East Coast, so don’t be afraid to ask! I am also willing to do trunk shows on/around dates that I’m traveling to quilt shows (see the full list above) I offer several exciting lectures and a variety of workshops to choose from — we always have a great time together. 2019 is nearly booked, so be sure to grab a spot for 2020!

April 2019
April 17: Heart and Home Guild (PA)
April 24: Capital Area Quilt Guild (PA)
June 2019
June 4: Lancaster Modern Quilt Guild (PA)
July 2019
July 16: Valley Forge Homestead Quilters (PA)
August 2019
August 23: Danner’s Bernina (PA) Danner’s will also be hosting a class with my later in September, be sure to check it out under the “Classes” heading!
September 2019
September 10: Red Rose Quilter’s Guild (PA) This guild will also be hosting me for a workshop, be sure to check out the details below!
2019 Classes

All Year Long at The Old Country Store
This year I’m doing a fantastic series on BERNINA feet. We will meet one Thursday per month and explore over 30 different feet offered by BERNINA. Join the fun and learn about all the incredible things they can do! There are still a few spots open, so be sure to check it out and sign up if you’re interested.
March 2019
February 28—March 3: Easy Breezy Pinwheels (3 hour workshop) hosted by the Mid-atlantic Quilt Festival (VA)
May 2019
May 9—11: Learn to Quilt with Quilts for Kids and Rachel Rossi! This class is for kids and teens who want to try their hand at sewing. Hosted by Quiltfest (PA)
September 2019
Easy Breezy Pinwheels, hosted by Red Rose Quilter’s Guild (PA)
Danners Bernina (PA)
I look forward to a year of new experiences! I welcome invitations to your quilt shows, guilds, shops, and events! Just get in touch with me through my contact form and I’ll get back to you shortly.
Can’t make it to a show?
No problem! You can visit me on Youtube or start working on one of my patterns— I’d love to see what you come up with and how you interpret my designs.
Tea To Go Tea Wallet$4.99
Bandit Bib$3.99
Modern Succulent$8.99
Merry Mixer$10.99
Trellis Twist$12.99