Archive for the ‘DIY’ Category

How old frames + old baby clothes = something truly breathtaking

For some reason I tend to accumulate things.

As one who aspires to remove as many things from my life as possible, this is often a problem!

But there are a few things that have survived my constant de-cluttering efforts,

and a collection of those surviving things are baby clothes. I am the proud owner of one special newborn outfit from my daughter, myself, my husband, my father-in-law, and my mother. My sister even donated my mom’s first pair of tiny leather crib shoes to my heirloom-gathering efforts!

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This originally was posted on the Timeless Treasure’s Blog. They are experiencing technical difficulties on their blog at the moment and granted me permission to re-publish this on my blog – enjoy!

I’ve been putting it off long enough! Yes, it’s time for my trusty nasty old ironing board cover to get a fresh look. When I saw the Hive Rules collection by Timeless Treasures, I knew exactly what I was going to do with it!

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This school year might be looking a little different to a lot of students, teachers, and parents. Some are headed back full time, others are virtual, others are a little bit of both.

If you find yourself (or a loved one) toting around a bunch of masks in Ziploc bags, I’m here to rescue you!

I’ve created the perfect DIY COVID Mask Laundry Bag.

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The Perfect Project for Mastering Raw Edge Appliqué

Timber! has always been my best seller. There’s no wonder- it’s super duper cute. I’m excited to announce that it has also caught the attention of the staff over at Simply Moderne Magazine (eep!).

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Today I want to share a video tutorial with you on how to make your own surgical mask. There’s probably about 10,000 out there right now, but this is my take! I like the style of this mask because it doesn’t pull on your ears like many that I’m seeing. To each his own though, if you have a pattern or tutorial that you like better, please use it!

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Sometimes, I don’t like to follow the rules, but there are other times when following the rules (and using the right tools) gives you a really fantastic result! The one area where this is true: Sewing on Piping.

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Big news everyone!

Today I am pleased to announce that I have joined Team Timeless. That means that I, along with a few other awesome designers, will be contributing a few tutorials per year to the Timeless Treasures Blog. We get to show off some of the cutest and newest fabric collections…I mean, just look at what I got to work with!

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DIY Christmas GarlandWe recently got a ***brand new*** Hobby Lobby nearby.

My sister and I used to drive at least 45 minutes with 3 littles in the back seat to get there.

Now we just stroll right on over whenever we get the chance…let’s just say it’s a game changer.

So, as I was strolling through my friendly neighborhood Hobby Lobby, I noticed the overwhelming amount of Christmas decorations made of PomPoms…I’m talking ornaments, trees, garlands, pillows…you name it!

But the prices were OUTRAGEOUS. So, I carted myself and my little crafty baby over to the kids section and started throwing PomPoms in my cart. (Continue reading…)

I haven’t gotten to talk about it much on the blog, but I absolutely love basketweaving. It’s something that my mom and aunt got me into and now I just can’t stop! Thank goodness it’s a slightly expensive hobby, or I’d be a very literal basket case. I’ve limited myself to kits (rater than spools of reed) and only making baskets that I’d otherwise need or buy…but I promise every one of those last reed scraps becomes a wonderful original creation.

…anyway, that’s not what we are here to chat about today. TODAY is about weaving with fabric. Yes, the beautiful love child of my two favorite hobbies. (Continue reading…)

I’ve sworn that I’m going to get my “to-do” pile in the sewing room this summer. It’s not quite a UFO pile…it kind of has it’s own classification. It’s all the silly things that are either super fast projects or just need fixed!

Anyway, today I set out to wrap up some things outside but I woke up to a yucky rainy day. So, off to Joann’s we went! I grabbed some 3″ foam, my 50% off coupon and I was determined to get this bench cushion out of my to-do bin! I figured that I would help you while I was at it; with this helpful tutorial, you’ll be able to make any sized bench cushion that you need! Follow my formulas and it’ll fit snuggly and look lovely! Let’s get started: (Continue reading…)